Friday, February 21, 2014

The OuterNet

OuterNet Free WiFi

“Broadcasting data,” OuterNet says on their website, “allows citizens to reduce their reliance on costly internet data plans in places where monthly fees are too expensive for average citizens.  And offering continuously updated web content from space bypasses censorship of the Internet.” 

“Access to knowledge and information is a human right and OuterNet will guarantee this right by taking a practical approach to information delivery.  By transmitting digital content to mobile devices, simple antennae and existing satellite dishes, a basic level of news, information, education and entertainment will be available to all of humanity. 

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. — Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” 

Globe Backyard OuterNet CubeSat WiFi 

If they can succeed with that, then OuterNet hopes to start figuring a way to let customers send data back to the CubeSats, ideally creating free, “two-way internet access for everyone” in a few years’ time.  The “OuterNet” project being bankrolled by the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) of New York is currently in the midst of conducting technical assessment of the project, but say by June they hope to develop test satellite in order to see how long-range WiFi would work if beamed down by a tiny 10x10x10-centimeter payload called a CubeSat.



Channel "RT TV" (Full Story)

david dunkley gyimah

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