Sunday, December 31, 2017

2018 Prediction According to Q

The STORM is upon us.  HRC (Hillary) has been arrested and is wearing an ankle monitor as is John McCain.  McCain will die by 12/31 of brain cancer. (there are several hours left by using Hawaii time or does that mean the year 2031?)  The Podesta’s will be arrested soon.

Bill Clinton has testified against the Cabal, KSA (House of Saud) and HRC in exchange for a pardon by Trump.  ("Wow, Bill walks but as a painted target")

BHO (Barry) will confess to not being eligible to run for POTUS and committing fraud.  Trump will pardon him. ("the birth certificate? that's it?")  There will be riots in urban areas until Marshal Law is declared and the military takes over many cities. ("At this point Military Tribunal runs the courts, the feed bag is pulled from all judges, in other words, favors disappear and Guantanamo Bay (GTMO) becomes popular.  War Powers Resolution, AUMF, authorization of military force, combatants against the US can be removed and held indefinite.  The POTUS can use this against combatants that are a threat to National Security, don't need Marshal Law, the Military just picks you up and off to GTMO you go")

The question of the legal binding of BHO’s signature goes to the SCOTUS. (Supreme Court of The United States)  The SCOTUS holds that all laws passed by Congress and signed by BHO are still valid.  However, all Executive Orders (EO) are invalidated.  Trump agrees to affirm some of the EO’s.  Everything else is invalidated.  BHO chooses to move to Indonesia to live out his life.  Michelle divorces him and moves to France.  ("wonder what will become of the girls?")

The military restores order quickly.

The Republicans hold the House and gain seats in the Senate in the 2018 election.

Trump wins re-election against Bernie Sanders.

Calm returns, MAGA. (end Q prediction)

A prediction Q has not forecast, which would be the manipulation of the markets and just to bring to mind the 2008 meltdown.  Then the accounting practices of the Pentagon where trillions have been unaccounted for, that's just one branch of the government.  This Cabal factor seems to have been hard at work for generations in America alone not to mention the world.  Just the Rothschild family themselves have fleeced trillions from humanity from the banking cartel they created.  The States around the world under this creation have made humans a slave that has been forced into war, sex, sacrifice, debt, poverty, manipulated investment vehicles and false guidance of posterity that was manipulated deliberately.  Between mental anguish, loss of life and defamation of character, some kind of restitution needs to be calculated for present and past generations to families living this evil matrix that was allowed by our Statesmen.

In closing not just to make America great again but the world, so the Central Banks tied to the BIS, ECB, IMF and Fed printing the illusion of wealth will have to go into OT and place it on the balance sheet as a loss.  Quite simply we don't owe you, you owe us big time, the people of the planet including past generations.  If this is thought of as a pipe dream so is calm returns, for people want public hangings!  You might want to take that Q ball and hit a little harder Sir, we're talking about a rack of balls here.        

Happy New Year Mates, go to the MAGA PILL and read 'American History: Q'
This small segment of the complete article was posted to the site on 12/17/17 which is well worth reading in its entirety.

Amadeus Indetzki


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