Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Rise of a Giant - Blockchain

What is the catalyst that causes change in our society which creates a Genesis?  This comes into focus with failure and\or death where we rewrite the rule of play.  No longer is our society misinformed on what is happening around us since the inception of the internet which created a social platform for all humans.  With this, we find the ruling class on Earth with their puppets and driven by other self-interest groups have done a terrible job where the words 'ruling class' is dysfunctional for humanity and the planet.  It's this ideology that has awakened a giant in many countries of its people around the world.

When humans are under pressure where creation is the only way forward we really come together for the cause to lift sanctions that are designed to roll back progress and the advancement of control.  Our money matrix is tied to this mouse trap where once we take the cheese you're caught.  The feed bag tied to this is the threat used to keep a country on its knees forcing one to be submissive.  But like any pressure, something is going to give and that exploding force creates a new science.

Today Blockchain technology is that Genesis where the internet of things is taking shape in the realm of peer-to-peer.  Over the weekend we watched the launch of Bitcoin being traded on the futures exchange that deified gravity of the logic of banking exchange, Bitcoin could not be shorted.  Another breakthrough for Blockchain (Bitfury) will be the advancement of security in voting, accounting, science research and development secrets for businesses, governments, organizations and individuals to securely move an asset across the web without manipulation.  The realm of power and control is being unplugged slowly from our existence because we've lost all respect of the ruling class associated with your institutions.  You ladies and gentleman have been your own Nemesis because of price fixing in the market from stem to stern.  Like Hal would say, "this conversation can serve no purpose anymore, goodbye."

Financial markets are simply too big relative to the size of any one commodity market for it to be the fulcrum on which everything hinges.  So many countries are bailing on the petrodollar for trade who are even creating their own cryptocurrencies.  The IMF, the World Bank, SWIFT, LIBOR and the central banks themselves were behind a foreign policy that maintains its control of the money supply but these institutions have annoyed too many countries and being dragged into sanctions, division, along with war where you are against all of us will not be tolerated further.  Russia has already announced their plans for a crypto-ruble, as well as supporting cryptocurrency research, massive Bitcoin mining operations and the possibility of a BRICS-Coin as well.  Also the oil-backed cryptocurrency by Venezuela.

Now for the most relevant feat in the discovery of science technology for Blockchain mining the public is offered Bitfury chip making it possible to build mining farms by total hashrate.  The faster the hashrate the more you can mine, hash away mates!  The place to perform mining is where energy is cheap, places like Iceland, China, Canada and Russia are favorable but with engineering, we all can create power for consumption.  Let's understand something right now, the common man is the fellow who creates and builds, this is how we got to where we are today and thanks to the horse who helped plow the fields and pulled the loads until Nicolaus August Otto and Eugen Langen created the first gasoline engine back in 1865.

The rise of a giant is when friction presents itself.

Amadeus Indetzki

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